| Issue Number : 4841ID Indonesian translation

2024 Draft Bill on the Special Region of Jakarta: Important Updates

The initial version of the Draft Bill on the Special Region of Jakarta (Daerah Khusus Jakarta "DKJ") that was introduced in 2023 ("2023 Draft Bill") sparked controversy due to the fact that the Governor and Vice-Governor of DKJ were to be directly appointed by the president, who would take account of recommendations that were conveyed by the Regional Peoples Representative Assembly (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah/DPRD). However, the most recent version of the Draft Bill on DKJ that was released on 18 March 2024 ("2024 Draft Bill") has now clarified that the Governor and Vice-Governor of DKJ will continue to be appointed based upon the existing system of regional head elections (Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah/Pilkada).

| Issue Number : 4808ID Indonesian translation

Framework on Training and Education for TPKS Prevention and Mitigation Now in Force: Three Types of Training Participants Introduced

Training and education programs that address Crimes of Sexual Violence (Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual/TPKS) prevention ("Prevention") and TPKS mitigation ("Mitigation") efforts (collectively referred to as "Training") should be organized in order to ultimately deepen understanding and develop the various competencies and skills that are required in order to promote Prevention and Mitigation measures. In this regard, the following parties are eligible to enroll in Training: 1) Law enforcement officials (Aparat Penegak Hukum/APH); 2) Government service personnel; and 3) Service personnel working at community-based service provider institutions.

| Issue Number : 4782ID Indonesian translation

Updated Framework on the Implementation of Auctions: Scope of Auction Categories Broadened

The Minister of Finance has decided to update the framework for the implementation of auctions, which is set to come into force on 1 January 2024.

| Issue Number : 4780ID Indonesian translation

Govt. Introduces Technical Guidelines for PPKSP: Established TPPK at Education Units to Implement Three Forms of Violence Prevention Measures

The Technical Guidelines for the Prevention and Mitigation of Violence at Education Units (Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan di Lingkungan Satuan Pendidikan "PPKSP") will now serve as a reference for use by the relevant stakeholders (e.g. central/regional governments and education units) during the implementation of PPKSP measures. The aforesaid PPKSP Guidelines are set to be implemented by dedicated PPKSP Teams (Tim Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan "TPPK") which, among other tasks, will implement three forms of anti-violence measures that include the following aspects: 1) Strengthening of governance; 2) Education; and 3) Provision of infrastructure.

| Issue Number : 4731ID Indonesian translation

Charting a New Course: Indonesias National Strategy for Business and Human Rights

Indonesia has introduced a National Strategy on Business and Human Rights in a significant step towards the mainstreaming of business and human rights at the national level

| Issue Number : 4704ID Indonesian translation

Provisions on Higher Education Quality Updated: From Flexible Learning to Expanded Final Assignments

There are ten applicable standards under the national education standards, including: 1) Competence standards; 2) Learning processes; 3) Lecturers and educational workers; 4) Assessment standards; and 5) Facilities and infrastructure.

| Issue Number : 4693ID Indonesian translation

PAUD, Elementary and Secondary Educational Units Required to Establish Violence Prevention and Handling Teams

The following types of educational units are now required to establish Prevention and Handling Teams (TPPK) before the following stipulated deadlines: 1) Early-childhood education (PAUD) and equality education units (satuan pendidikan kesetaraan): No later than 3 August 2024; and 2) Elementary and secondary education units; and special educational units: No later than 3 February 2024

| Issue Number : 4580ID Indonesian translation

Govt. Issues Regulation Aimed at Advancing Space-Related Activities in Indonesia

Control over space technologies encompasses the following four activities: 1) Control and development of rockets; 2) Control and development of satellites; 3) Aeronautical control and development; and 4) Deployment of technologies

| Issue Number : 4561ID Indonesian translation

Updated Provisions on the Management of Sunken Ship Cargoes Introduced

BMKT salvaging should be carried out either on board ships or in warehouses in the following stages: 1) BMKT extractions; and 2) BMKT relocations. Both BMKT extractions and relocations must be documented and recorded during the relevant processes by their implementors. Said documentation and recordings should then subsequently be verified

| Issue Number : 4430ID Indonesian translation

New Technical Provisions Introduced on the Implementation of Mutual Legal Assistance in Relation to Criminal Matters

Seven available types of MLA may be granted by the Central Authority, specifically: 1) Identification of and searches for persons; 2) Voluntary assistance in securing statements, documents and other forms of evidence; 3) Assistance in prioritizing (mengupayakan) the presence of a person in the requesting country; 4) Prisoner transits; 5) Assistance during searches and seizures of goods, items or assets; 6) Assistance during the delivery of mail; and 7) Assistance in order to follow up on requesting state court decisions