| Issue Number : 4919ID See Translation Version

Alert! PVML with Assets over Rp. 200 Billion Soon to Be Required to Establish Risk Management Committees and Work Units

The Draft Regulation is set to redefine Non-Banking Financial Services Institutions (Lembaga Jasa Keuangan Non-Bank/LJKNB) as financing companies, venture-capital companies (Perusahaan Modal Ventura/PMV), micro-financing institutions and other types of financial services institutions (collectively referred to as "PVML"). In this regard, mandatory risk management has also been redefined and will soon be implemented based on the amounts of nominal assets that are owned by the relevant PVML, which break down as follows: 1) For PMVL with assets over Rp. 200 billion: risk-management committee and work unit (both are mandatory); and 2) For PMVL with assets up to Rp. 200 billion: risk-management function (mandatory) and committee (optional).

| Issue Number : 4918ID See Translation Version

Future-Proofing Textile Industries: Expanding Eligible Participants for Machinery Restructuring Program

The requirements for participation in the restructuring program have now been updated to include the following criteria: 1) Must have set up a legal business entity; 2) Must have secured a business license with an Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification (Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia "KBLI") that corresponds to a prioritized Textile and Textile Product (Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil "TPT") industry and that is valid for at least four years after the issuance of said business license; and 3) Must have purchased machinery and/or equipment suitable for industrial activities that has been installed at the production site with a total purchase that amounts to at least Rp. 500 million and must ensure that the purchase and installation period is in line with a timeline set by the Director-General responsible for guidance in relation to TPT business activities ("Director-General").

| Issue Number : 4917ID See Translation Version

New Import Watchdog Unleashed: Seven Types of Illegal Imported Goods Targeted

Certain goods that are subject to import regulations (collectively referred to as "Imported Goods") and that will be targeted by the Task Force for the Supervision of Imported Goods ("Task Force") include the following: 1) Textiles and textile products; 2) Ready-made clothing and accessories; 3) Ceramics; 4) Electronics; 5) Footwear; 6) Cosmetics; and 7) Other finished textile goods.

| Issue Number : 4916ID See Translation Version

Financial Technology Sandbox 2.0: New Criteria Introduced for Innovation and Mandatory Testing Plans

Participants in the trial mechanism that has been created in order to assess the feasibility and reliability of Technological Innovations Within the Financial Sector (Inovasi Teknologi Sektor Keuangan "ITSK") ("Sandbox") are first required to submit enrolment applications for the Sandbox mechanism. Said applications should be accompanied by the relevant testing plan concepts in order for assessments to be made of the readiness and innovative aspects of prospective participants. Moreover, the previously featured Digital Financial Innovations (Inovasi Keuangan Digital "IKD") criteria have now been redefined as criteria for innovations that are eligible to participate in the Sandbox mechanism, which now include: 1) Must have scope within the financial services sector; 2) Must be innovations that are ready to be tested and developed; and 3) Must provide benefits, improve services and provide added value to consumers, society and/or the financial-sector ecosystem.

| Issue Number : 4915ID See Translation Version

Elevating Stock Exchange Transaction Risk Parameters: Risk Charge for Single Stock Futures Now Set at 4%

PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia ("KPEI") is authorized to calculate and evaluate the risks associated with purchase requests (permintaan beli) and/or selling offers (penawaran jual) for every stock exchange transaction that is carried out by clearing members through the imposition of a risk charge fees. In this regard, KPEI has now introduced a risk charge that is set to be imposed upon any purchase requests and/or selling offers for derivative securities that take the form of single stock futures. In this regard, the applicable risk charge rate has been set at 4% of the relevant purchase request and/or selling offer value.

| Issue Number : 4914ID See Translation Version

Towards A Toxic-Free Environment: Organizers of B3 Producing Areas Now Required to Provide TPSSS-B3

Organizers of areas (e.g. residential, commercial and public areas) in which garbage containing hazardous and toxic substances (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun "B3") ("B3 Garbage") and waste containing B3 ("B3 Waste") is produced ("Organizers") are required to provide temporary storage sites for specific garbage (Tempat Penampungan Sementara Sampah Spesifik B3 "TPSSS-B3"). In this regard, Organizers are also required to register their TPSSS-B3 with the relevant authorities by submitting applications and fulfilling the relevant facility and governance requirements.

| Issue Number : 4913ID See Translation Version

Farmers Required to Secure Mandatory ISPO Certification by November 2025

Reaffirming provisions set out under previous regulatory frameworks, ISPO certification is mandatory for all palm oil plantation businesses, including corporations ("Plantation Companies") and individuals ("Farmers") (collectively referred to as "Businesses"). ISPO certification covers activities such as palm-oil cultivation, processing and integrated operations that combine both of these elements. However, Farmers are only obligated to secure such certification starting from 24 November 2025.

| Issue Number : 4912ID See Translation Version

OJK Plans to Increase the Minimum Paid-up Capital for Equity Crowdfunding by 10 Times

The Draft Regulation now mandates that equity crowdfunding service providers ("Providers") must meet a minimum paid-up capital requirement of Rp. 25 billion and a minimum equity requirement of Rp. 5 billion. Moreover, the Draft Regulation also requires providers to first secure principal approvals (persetujuan prinsip) before submitting their business license applications to the OJK.

| Issue Number : 4911ID See Translation Version

Guarding the Law or Risking Abuse? the Implications of the New RUU Polri

The Draft Amendment is still being deliberated and may thus be subject to further changes. However, it is vital to note that the newly expanded authorities and tasks of Polri may potentially turn this institution into a so-called super-body-investigator that may see its authority overlapping with other institutions. Moreover, the various authorities of Polri will be identified and standardized in order to minimize any misuse, hopefully establishing greater security in order to fully protect the general public.

| Issue Number : 4910ID See Translation Version

Single Point Tariff of Rp. 100,000 Set for PSE UGC Content Takedown Violations

The administrative fines that apply to electronic systems providers (Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik PSE) that operate User-Generated Content (UGC) platforms (PSE UGC) within the private sector will be calculated in line with several specific indices, including: 1) Content (takedown urgency); 2) UGC (number of customers); 3) Scale of business; 4) Frequency of issued reprimands; 5) Compliance; and 6) Virality. As such, fines will be calculated based on a points system up to a maximum of 5,000 points. It has now been clarified that the applicable tariff for a single PSE UGC violation point equates to Rp. 100,000 in fines.