Minister of Law and Human Rights Issues Rules on Royalty Management Through Secondary Use Licenses for Copyrighted Books

  • The Ministry of Law and Human Rights is hoping to ensure improved legal certainty for authors who are looking to secure royalties for the reproduction of their works through the issuance of the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights ("Minister") No. 15 of 2024 on Royalty Management Through Secondary Use Licenses for Copyrighted Books and/or Other Writings, which has been in force since 12 June 2024.
  • At its core, the new regulation stipulates that only Collective Management Institutions ("LMK") that have already secured operational licenses have the right to withdraw royalties. LMK will process royalties or secondary use actions for books or other written works that include: 1) Printed works; 2) Photocopies; 3) Internet downloads; 4) Divided files that contain papers/books. Royalties that are withdrawn by LMK will be made available to the creators of books and/or written works who have become LMK members.
  • One LMK that is currently operational within the publishing field is the Indonesian Publishers Association (Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia/IKAPI), which had 1448 recorded members in 2018.
  • For more on this story, see Hukumonline: “Menkumham Terbitkan Aturan Pengelolaan Royalti atas Lisensi Penggunaan Sekunder Hak Cipta Buku”.

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  • The Ministry of Law and Human Rights is hoping to ensure improved legal certainty for authors who are looking to secure royalties for the reproduction of their works through the issuance of the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights ("Minister") No. 15 of 2024 on Royalty Management Through Secondary Use Licenses for Copyrighted Books and/or Other Writings, which has been in force since 12 June 2024.
  • At its core, the new regulation stipulates that only Collective Management Institutions ("LMK") that have already secured operational licenses have the right to withdraw royalties. LMK will process royalties or secondary use actions for books or other written works that include: 1) Printed works; 2) Photocopies; 3) Internet downloads; 4) Divided files that contain papers/books. Royalties that are withdrawn by LMK will be made available to the creators of books and/or written works who have become LMK members.
  • One LMK that is currently operational within the publishing field is the Indonesian Publishers Association (Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia/IKAPI), which had 1448 recorded members in 2018.
  • For more on this story, see Hukumonline: “Menkumham Terbitkan Aturan Pengelolaan Royalti atas Lisensi Penggunaan Sekunder Hak Cipta Buku”.

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