Establishment of PDP Supervisory Agency Target to Be Completed by Q3 - 2024

  • The Director of Application Control at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics ("Ministry"), Teguh Arifiyadi ("Director"), has affirmed that the drafting process for Draft Regulation of the President ("Draft Regulation") on the Personal Data Protection ("PDP") Supervisory Agency ("PDP Agency") has been completed and that the new PDP Agency is set to be established sometime during the third quarter of 2024.
  • Originally mandated under Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection ("PDP Law"), which addresses supervision of the overall organization of PDP throughout the country, the Director has stated that the following three options are available for the form that the forthcoming PDP Agency will take: 1) Independent agency that will directly report to the president; 2) Agency that will be attached to an existing agency; or 3) Agency that reports to the president whilst coordinating with relevant government ministries and agencies. Selecting the form that the PDP Agency will ultimately take from the above-listed options is the direct responsibility of the president.
  • It should be noted that the Ministry previously targeted the establishment of a PDP Agency by the second quarter of 2024. The establishment of said PDP Agency is essential in terms of the issuance of strategic policies on PDP, given that the PDP Law is set to be fully enforced by October 2024. (ANT)

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  • The Director of Application Control at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics ("Ministry"), Teguh Arifiyadi ("Director"), has affirmed that the drafting process for Draft Regulation of the President ("Draft Regulation") on the Personal Data Protection ("PDP") Supervisory Agency ("PDP Agency") has been completed and that the new PDP Agency is set to be established sometime during the third quarter of 2024.
  • Originally mandated under Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection ("PDP Law"), which addresses supervision of the overall organization of PDP throughout the country, the Director has stated that the following three options are available for the form that the forthcoming PDP Agency will take: 1) Independent agency that will directly report to the president; 2) Agency that will be attached to an existing agency; or 3) Agency that reports to the president whilst coordinating with relevant government ministries and agencies. Selecting the form that the PDP Agency will ultimately take from the above-listed options is the direct responsibility of the president.
  • It should be noted that the Ministry previously targeted the establishment of a PDP Agency by the second quarter of 2024. The establishment of said PDP Agency is essential in terms of the issuance of strategic policies on PDP, given that the PDP Law is set to be fully enforced by October 2024. (ANT)

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