BP2MI Clarifies Relaxation of Import-Duty Policy for Goods Consigned and Carried by PMI

  • In an effort to inform Indonesian Migrant Workers (Pekerja Migran Indonesia – "PMI") regarding the relaxation of the prevailing import-duty policy for consigned and carried goods belonging to PMI ("Relaxation Policy"), the Head of the National Agency for the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (Badan Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia – "BP2MI") has decided to optimize various benefits that PMI  are entitled to enjoy as a result of the Relaxation Policy through the issuance of Circular No. SE.02/KA/SS.01/VI/2024 ("Circular 2/2024"), which has been in force since 25 June 2024.
  • In essence, Circular 2/2024 affirms that PMI that meet the following criteria are entitled to enjoy the Relaxation Policy outlined under Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 141 of 2023 ("Regulation 141/2023") in relation to their imported consigned, carry-on and moving goods: 1) Must have registered with BP2MI; or 2) Must have been employed based on a contract that has been verified by Indonesian diplomatic representatives abroad and listed on the WNI Peduli Portal organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Circular 2/2024 lists various regulatory frameworks that should be referred to by existing or candidate PMI in relation to the importation of their goods. Said frameworks include: 1) Goods importation policy and objects permitted to be imported: Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 7 of 2024 on the Second Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Finance   No. 36 of 2023; 2) Import duty: Regulation 141/2023; and 3) Eligibility to enjoy the Relaxation Policy: PMI must be registered through the WNI Peduli Portal or the Computerized System for the Protection of PMI (Sistem Komputerisasi Pelindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia – "Sisko P2MI").
  • It should also be noted that PMI who register through Sisko P2MI will be able to enjoy an import-duty exemption amounting to US$ 1,500 for three shipments per year, up to a maximum of US$ 500 per shipment. Meanwhile, PMI who register through the WNI Peduli Portal will be entitled to enjoy an exemption of US$ 500 for one shipment annually. Additionally, PMI traveling from locations abroad will be exempted from IMEI registration fees for up to two cell phones annually.

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  • In an effort to inform Indonesian Migrant Workers (Pekerja Migran Indonesia – "PMI") regarding the relaxation of the prevailing import-duty policy for consigned and carried goods belonging to PMI ("Relaxation Policy"), the Head of the National Agency for the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (Badan Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia – "BP2MI") has decided to optimize various benefits that PMI  are entitled to enjoy as a result of the Relaxation Policy through the issuance of Circular No. SE.02/KA/SS.01/VI/2024 ("Circular 2/2024"), which has been in force since 25 June 2024.
  • In essence, Circular 2/2024 affirms that PMI that meet the following criteria are entitled to enjoy the Relaxation Policy outlined under Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 141 of 2023 ("Regulation 141/2023") in relation to their imported consigned, carry-on and moving goods: 1) Must have registered with BP2MI; or 2) Must have been employed based on a contract that has been verified by Indonesian diplomatic representatives abroad and listed on the WNI Peduli Portal organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Circular 2/2024 lists various regulatory frameworks that should be referred to by existing or candidate PMI in relation to the importation of their goods. Said frameworks include: 1) Goods importation policy and objects permitted to be imported: Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 7 of 2024 on the Second Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Finance   No. 36 of 2023; 2) Import duty: Regulation 141/2023; and 3) Eligibility to enjoy the Relaxation Policy: PMI must be registered through the WNI Peduli Portal or the Computerized System for the Protection of PMI (Sistem Komputerisasi Pelindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia – "Sisko P2MI").
  • It should also be noted that PMI who register through Sisko P2MI will be able to enjoy an import-duty exemption amounting to US$ 1,500 for three shipments per year, up to a maximum of US$ 500 per shipment. Meanwhile, PMI who register through the WNI Peduli Portal will be entitled to enjoy an exemption of US$ 500 for one shipment annually. Additionally, PMI traveling from locations abroad will be exempted from IMEI registration fees for up to two cell phones annually.

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