Notaries Have Role to Play in Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing: Gaining International Trust for Investment Growth

  • According to a recent recommendation made by the Financial Action Task Force ("FATF"), notaries have a significant role to play in efforts to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. Moreover, Indonesia’s Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna H. Laoly, has also stated that notaries are required to become actively involved in efforts to prevent these serious criminal activities.
  • In the wake of a previously completed Mutual Evaluation Review (MER) process, the activities of notaries as public officials who are authorized to draw up authenticated deeds have become an area of emerging concern. In this regard, the strategic role played by notaries as a part of the country’s legal system, particularly as regards civil relationships, involves them applying the know-your-service-user principle (prinsip mengenali pengguna jasa/PMPJ), recognizing beneficial owners and reporting any suspicious financial transactions that they encounter.
  • Mr. Laoly further stated that the clients of notaries (e.g. individuals, corporations and other types of legal arrangements) will be required to fill out customer due diligence forms. In addition, notaries are required to examine all submitted data and identities and to assess the applicable levels of risk based on the relevant client profiles. These matters are seen as important in order to gain the trust of the international community, through which Indonesia is trying to attract investment growth.
  • For more on this story, see Hukumonline: "Notaris Harus Aktif Cegah TPPU dan Pendanaan Terorisme".

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  • According to a recent recommendation made by the Financial Action Task Force ("FATF"), notaries have a significant role to play in efforts to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. Moreover, Indonesia’s Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna H. Laoly, has also stated that notaries are required to become actively involved in efforts to prevent these serious criminal activities.
  • In the wake of a previously completed Mutual Evaluation Review (MER) process, the activities of notaries as public officials who are authorized to draw up authenticated deeds have become an area of emerging concern. In this regard, the strategic role played by notaries as a part of the country’s legal system, particularly as regards civil relationships, involves them applying the know-your-service-user principle (prinsip mengenali pengguna jasa/PMPJ), recognizing beneficial owners and reporting any suspicious financial transactions that they encounter.
  • Mr. Laoly further stated that the clients of notaries (e.g. individuals, corporations and other types of legal arrangements) will be required to fill out customer due diligence forms. In addition, notaries are required to examine all submitted data and identities and to assess the applicable levels of risk based on the relevant client profiles. These matters are seen as important in order to gain the trust of the international community, through which Indonesia is trying to attract investment growth.
  • For more on this story, see Hukumonline: "Notaris Harus Aktif Cegah TPPU dan Pendanaan Terorisme".

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