Fulfillment of Professional Credit Units for the Issuance of Practice Licenses for Media and Healthcare Workers

  • As one of the requirements for the renewal of Practice Licenses (Surat Izin Praktrik – "SIP") in line with the fulfillment of the adequacy of Professional Credit Units (Satuan Kredit Profesi – "SKP"), the Minister of Health ("Minister") has issued Circular No. HK.02.01/MENKES/1063/2024 ("Circular 2/2024"), which has been in force since 10 June 2024.
  • At its core, Circular 2/2024 allows for media and healthcare workers who have not yet extended their SIP due to constraints relating to the fulfillment of the SKP to submit extension applications to the Health Office or the Regency/City Capital and One-Stop Integrated Services Office attaching proof of the adequacy of SKP.
  • The SKP fulfillment deadline for medical personnel and healthcare workers is 31 December 2024. In this regard, relevant registration certificates (Surat Tanda Registrasi/STR) and SIP will be temporarily deactivated if this deadline is exceeded.

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*Terms and Conditions Apply

  • As one of the requirements for the renewal of Practice Licenses (Surat Izin Praktrik – "SIP") in line with the fulfillment of the adequacy of Professional Credit Units (Satuan Kredit Profesi – "SKP"), the Minister of Health ("Minister") has issued Circular No. HK.02.01/MENKES/1063/2024 ("Circular 2/2024"), which has been in force since 10 June 2024.
  • At its core, Circular 2/2024 allows for media and healthcare workers who have not yet extended their SIP due to constraints relating to the fulfillment of the SKP to submit extension applications to the Health Office or the Regency/City Capital and One-Stop Integrated Services Office attaching proof of the adequacy of SKP.
  • The SKP fulfillment deadline for medical personnel and healthcare workers is 31 December 2024. In this regard, relevant registration certificates (Surat Tanda Registrasi/STR) and SIP will be temporarily deactivated if this deadline is exceeded.

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Tingkatkan kualitas penelitian hukum Anda dengan berlangganan Paket Professional Hukumonline Pro dan dapatkan lebih banyak analisis hukum untuk referensi yang komprehensif


Rp 4.500.000

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  • My Workspace
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  • Pusat Data Putusan Pengadilan Non-Precedent
  • Peraturan Konsolidasi
  • Daftar Peraturan Terbaru
  • Terjemahan Peraturan
  • Daily Update
  • Analisis Hukum (Harian, Mingguan, Bulanan)
  • Premium Stories
  • Bantuan Pencarian


Rp 7.500.000

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  • Legal Intelligence Update
  • Virtual Discussion - Practice Leaders*
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  • Gratis mengikuti Webinar Hukumonline*


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  • Regulatory Compliance System (Tidak Termasuk Server)*
  • Excellent Document Management (Tidak Termasuk Server)
  • Perizinan dan Pengurusan Legalitas Perusahaan*
  • In-House Training*
  • Legal Opinion dan Dokumen Review

*Terms and Conditions Apply