Ten Strategic Issues Introduced under Third Amendment to Bill on Shipping

  • The Minister of Transportation ("Minister"), Budi Karya Sumadi, recently announced that the government had officially submitted a Problem Inventory List (Daftar Inventarisasi Masalah - "DIM") that addresses the Third Amendment to Law No. 17 of 2008 on Shipping ("Regulation 17/2008") to Commission V at the DPR. The DIM was drawn up in consultation with the public during August 2024, a process that involved representatives of business actors, technical associations, academics, practitioners and shipping observers.
  • In essence, the DIM prepared by the government addresses the following 10 strategic issues: 1) Strengthening of public maritime transportation; 2) Mandatory public service for the transportation of goods at sea and in underdeveloped, outermost, remote and border areas (sea highways); 3) Reinforcement of the cabotage principle; 4) Establishment of joint-venture opportunities for water transportation services; 5) Establishment of financial and taxation facilities to empower the water transportation and shipping industries; 6) Tariffs for inland waterways and port services; 7) Management of joint-venture governance for vessel registrations; 8) Use of tugboats; 9) Institutionalization of port operators; 10) The shipping safety and security supervision function.
  • The Minister chaired various meetings that discussed different aspects related to the implementation of the Third Amendment to Regulation 17/2008. These aspects included: 1) Introduction to deliberations; 2) Submission of the DIM for the Bill on Shipping by the government; 3) Determination of the mechanism and schedule for the discussion of the Bill on Shipping; 4) Establishment of a working committee for the Bill on Shipping.
  • For more on this story, see Hukumonline: “Tancap Gas RUU Pelayaran di Ujung Jabatan DPR”.

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  • The Minister of Transportation ("Minister"), Budi Karya Sumadi, recently announced that the government had officially submitted a Problem Inventory List (Daftar Inventarisasi Masalah - "DIM") that addresses the Third Amendment to Law No. 17 of 2008 on Shipping ("Regulation 17/2008") to Commission V at the DPR. The DIM was drawn up in consultation with the public during August 2024, a process that involved representatives of business actors, technical associations, academics, practitioners and shipping observers.
  • In essence, the DIM prepared by the government addresses the following 10 strategic issues: 1) Strengthening of public maritime transportation; 2) Mandatory public service for the transportation of goods at sea and in underdeveloped, outermost, remote and border areas (sea highways); 3) Reinforcement of the cabotage principle; 4) Establishment of joint-venture opportunities for water transportation services; 5) Establishment of financial and taxation facilities to empower the water transportation and shipping industries; 6) Tariffs for inland waterways and port services; 7) Management of joint-venture governance for vessel registrations; 8) Use of tugboats; 9) Institutionalization of port operators; 10) The shipping safety and security supervision function.
  • The Minister chaired various meetings that discussed different aspects related to the implementation of the Third Amendment to Regulation 17/2008. These aspects included: 1) Introduction to deliberations; 2) Submission of the DIM for the Bill on Shipping by the government; 3) Determination of the mechanism and schedule for the discussion of the Bill on Shipping; 4) Establishment of a working committee for the Bill on Shipping.
  • For more on this story, see Hukumonline: “Tancap Gas RUU Pelayaran di Ujung Jabatan DPR”.

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