New Monetary Policy Direction Aims to Realize Sustainable Economy

  • In an attempt to maintain stability and promote sustainable economic growth, Bank Indonesia ("BI") is currently developing five new policies that will specifically address various monetary, macroprudential and payment system issues.
  • These five new policies break down as follows: 1) Strengthening of pro-market monetary operations strategies, which can be achieved through the maintaining of the interest rate within the Rupiah Money Market and through the optimization of BI products such as SRBI, SVBI and SUVBI; 2) Strengthening of the rupiah exchange rate stability strategy through intervention in the forex market in relation to spot transactions, Domestic Non-Deliverable Forward (DNDF) and within the secondary market, including Government Securities (SBN); 3) Strengthening the publication of transparency assessments of the Prime Lending Rate (Suku Bunga Dasar Kredit - SBDK); 4) Expansion of digital acceptance through educational initiatives on the use of QRIS and the use of Indonesian credit cards; and 5) Strengthening of the industry’s structure in order to implement the Indonesian Payment System Blue Print through improvements in the implementation of competence certification within the payment system sector.

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  • In an attempt to maintain stability and promote sustainable economic growth, Bank Indonesia ("BI") is currently developing five new policies that will specifically address various monetary, macroprudential and payment system issues.
  • These five new policies break down as follows: 1) Strengthening of pro-market monetary operations strategies, which can be achieved through the maintaining of the interest rate within the Rupiah Money Market and through the optimization of BI products such as SRBI, SVBI and SUVBI; 2) Strengthening of the rupiah exchange rate stability strategy through intervention in the forex market in relation to spot transactions, Domestic Non-Deliverable Forward (DNDF) and within the secondary market, including Government Securities (SBN); 3) Strengthening the publication of transparency assessments of the Prime Lending Rate (Suku Bunga Dasar Kredit - SBDK); 4) Expansion of digital acceptance through educational initiatives on the use of QRIS and the use of Indonesian credit cards; and 5) Strengthening of the industry’s structure in order to implement the Indonesian Payment System Blue Print through improvements in the implementation of competence certification within the payment system sector.

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