Ministry of Transportation Increases Sailing Safety Through Launch of Ship Reporting System (SRS)

  • The Ministry of Transportation has launched the international Ship Reporting System ("SRS") in order to increase coordination and the effective implementation of safety in relation to sailing through Indonesian waters. According to the Director-General of Water Transportation, Antoni Arif Priadi, the application of the new SRS will hopefully increase navigational efficiency and ultimately make a positive contribution towards improved safety at sea, as well as protecting the maritime environment.
  • Priadi also stated that the launch of the SRS system is specifically addressed under Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. PM 4 of 2023 on the Organization of Sailing Telecommunications and Governance Services for Vessels Traffic in Indonesian Waters. The SRS will be used to monitor vessels that enter and exit Indonesian waters, with the ultimate goal of speedier coordination and responses to any potential threats.
  • The Director-General has also affirmed that the use of the SRS is mandatory for all Indonesian-flagged vessels that enter and exit Indonesian waters, specifically passenger vessels, cargo vessels and fishing vessels of certain weights (e.g. 35 GT – 60 GT, a weight range that is applicable across a number of different vessel types). (ANT)

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  • The Ministry of Transportation has launched the international Ship Reporting System ("SRS") in order to increase coordination and the effective implementation of safety in relation to sailing through Indonesian waters. According to the Director-General of Water Transportation, Antoni Arif Priadi, the application of the new SRS will hopefully increase navigational efficiency and ultimately make a positive contribution towards improved safety at sea, as well as protecting the maritime environment.
  • Priadi also stated that the launch of the SRS system is specifically addressed under Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. PM 4 of 2023 on the Organization of Sailing Telecommunications and Governance Services for Vessels Traffic in Indonesian Waters. The SRS will be used to monitor vessels that enter and exit Indonesian waters, with the ultimate goal of speedier coordination and responses to any potential threats.
  • The Director-General has also affirmed that the use of the SRS is mandatory for all Indonesian-flagged vessels that enter and exit Indonesian waters, specifically passenger vessels, cargo vessels and fishing vessels of certain weights (e.g. 35 GT – 60 GT, a weight range that is applicable across a number of different vessel types). (ANT)

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