New Incentives Introduced for Imports of Agricultural Machinery to Boost Food and Energy Security

  • Yuliot Tanjung, Deputy Minister for Investment and Deputy Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal/BKPM), has issued a statement affirming that no facilities are currently available in Indonesia for the importation of agricultural machinery in order to meet the countries future needs. As a result, Mr. Tanjung has announced that the government is preparing to introduce import-duty exemptions for imports of agricultural machinery. This new initiative will hopefully bolster the nation’s food and energy security programs.
  • In his statement, Mr. Tanjung explained that the planned duty exemptions will be used to support agricultural investment projects, such as the ongoing integrated sugarcane plantation development in Merauke, South Papua. This project combines the sugar, bioethanol and power generation industries.
  • Mr. Tanjung also noted that sugarcane plantation and sugar industry investments in Merauke have now reached the third cluster stage and currently encompass a total area of 2 million hectares. The new duty exemption for imports of machinery is expected to be able to expedite Indonesia’s food self-sufficiency and ultimately ensure this project’s success. Infrastructure and funding have been prepared for the project by businesses, including training programs in Merauke that will involve local communities. In addition, the Indonesian Sugar Plantation Research Center and Sugar Research Australia have been established.

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  • Yuliot Tanjung, Deputy Minister for Investment and Deputy Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal/BKPM), has issued a statement affirming that no facilities are currently available in Indonesia for the importation of agricultural machinery in order to meet the countries future needs. As a result, Mr. Tanjung has announced that the government is preparing to introduce import-duty exemptions for imports of agricultural machinery. This new initiative will hopefully bolster the nation’s food and energy security programs.
  • In his statement, Mr. Tanjung explained that the planned duty exemptions will be used to support agricultural investment projects, such as the ongoing integrated sugarcane plantation development in Merauke, South Papua. This project combines the sugar, bioethanol and power generation industries.
  • Mr. Tanjung also noted that sugarcane plantation and sugar industry investments in Merauke have now reached the third cluster stage and currently encompass a total area of 2 million hectares. The new duty exemption for imports of machinery is expected to be able to expedite Indonesia’s food self-sufficiency and ultimately ensure this project’s success. Infrastructure and funding have been prepared for the project by businesses, including training programs in Merauke that will involve local communities. In addition, the Indonesian Sugar Plantation Research Center and Sugar Research Australia have been established.

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