| Issue Number : 880

The MLFF System: Indonesia Gears up for a Modern Toll-Road System


Just prior to the end of the first half of 2024, President Joko Widodo introduced 16 new nationally strategic projects, work on which will be continued by the new government in waiting. Among these initiatives is the multi-lane free-flow (“MLFF”) toll roads project, which has garnered significant attention due to its utilization of a seamless, contactless and cashless toll payment system.[1] With its nationally strategic project designation, the MLFF project is set to receive enhanced support and facilitation from the government, bringing the realization of this cutting-edge toll collection technology in Indonesia closer than ever. This accelerated implementation has been further confirmed by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (“Minister”), who has stated that the phased implementation of MLFF is targeted to commence before October 2024 and is expected to be fully implemented across all of the country’s toll roads by 2029.[2]


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Just prior to the end of the first half of 2024, President Joko Widodo introduced 16 new nationally strategic projects, work on which will be continued by the new government in waiting. Among these initiatives is the multi-lane free-flow (“MLFF”) toll roads project, which has garnered significant attention due to its utilization of a seamless, contactless and cashless toll payment system.[1] With its nationally strategic project designation, the MLFF project is set to receive enhanced support and facilitation from the government, bringing the realization of this cutting-edge toll collection technology in Indonesia closer than ever. This accelerated implementation has been further confirmed by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (“Minister”), who has stated that the phased implementation of MLFF is targeted to commence before October 2024 and is expected to be fully implemented across all of the country’s toll roads by 2029.[2]


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