Blue Economy Updates: Small Islands to Become Sources of Economic Development Within Indonesia

  • The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Badan Perencanaan Nasional – "Bappenas") has stated that Indonesia’s small islands will be encouraged to become sources of economic development. This new initiative was announced by the Director of Marine and Fisheries at the Ministry of Bappenas, Mohmad Rahmat Mulianda during the recent National Workshop: Small Islands and Blue Economy Development Context event.
  • Four important points have been set out in terms of the management of small islands, specifically: 1) Implementation of blue economy concepts through national and local policies; 2) Infrastructure development, inter-island connectivity and improvement of basic services; 3) Development and empowerment based on local communities within the archipelago; 4) Improvement of maritime security and sovereignty in terms of illegal fishing.
  • Indonesia is widely considered to have significant modality within the maritime sector, which is an important part of the blue economy. Based on data issued under the Indonesia Blue Economy Roadmap 2023 - 2045, the government has set a maritime contribution target of 15% of gross domestic product (produk domestik bruto/GDP). (ANT)

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  • The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Badan Perencanaan Nasional – "Bappenas") has stated that Indonesia’s small islands will be encouraged to become sources of economic development. This new initiative was announced by the Director of Marine and Fisheries at the Ministry of Bappenas, Mohmad Rahmat Mulianda during the recent National Workshop: Small Islands and Blue Economy Development Context event.
  • Four important points have been set out in terms of the management of small islands, specifically: 1) Implementation of blue economy concepts through national and local policies; 2) Infrastructure development, inter-island connectivity and improvement of basic services; 3) Development and empowerment based on local communities within the archipelago; 4) Improvement of maritime security and sovereignty in terms of illegal fishing.
  • Indonesia is widely considered to have significant modality within the maritime sector, which is an important part of the blue economy. Based on data issued under the Indonesia Blue Economy Roadmap 2023 - 2045, the government has set a maritime contribution target of 15% of gross domestic product (produk domestik bruto/GDP). (ANT)

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