Business Actors Engaged in Provision of Food and Beverages Within the Tourism and Creative Economy Sector Encouraged to Secure Halal Certification by 17 October 2024

  • The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy has issued Circular No. SE/2/PP.00.01/MK/2024 of 2024 on Halal Certification of Food and Beverage Products for Tourism and Creative Economy Businesses, which has been in force since 25 March 2024.
  • At its core, the Circular encourages regents/mayor to urge tourism and creative economy business actors (collectively referred to as "Business Actors") to implement halal certification before 17 October 2024. As a result, Business Actors are being encouraged to undertake the following actions: 1) Register the implementation of halal certification through self-declarations or regularly for each food and beverage product that has yet to be halal certified; and 2) Affix halal labels and ensure that the contents of their products remain halal in nature (for products for which halal certification has already been secured).
  • Details of the applicable requirements and mechanisms are comprehensively elaborated upon through the following official link:

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  • The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy has issued Circular No. SE/2/PP.00.01/MK/2024 of 2024 on Halal Certification of Food and Beverage Products for Tourism and Creative Economy Businesses, which has been in force since 25 March 2024.
  • At its core, the Circular encourages regents/mayor to urge tourism and creative economy business actors (collectively referred to as "Business Actors") to implement halal certification before 17 October 2024. As a result, Business Actors are being encouraged to undertake the following actions: 1) Register the implementation of halal certification through self-declarations or regularly for each food and beverage product that has yet to be halal certified; and 2) Affix halal labels and ensure that the contents of their products remain halal in nature (for products for which halal certification has already been secured).
  • Details of the applicable requirements and mechanisms are comprehensively elaborated upon through the following official link:

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