| Issue Number : 849

Supreme Court Decisions on Environmental Crimes in Indonesia: A Statistical Analysis of the 2020 - 2023 Period


Indonesia has recently had to deal with the critical problem of air pollution within its capital city of Jakarta. Indeed, air pollution is an important issue across the country as a whole given that Indonesia is a significant contributor to the 75% of total global air pollution that is also the responsibility of China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria.[1] While the air pollution issue has been of ongoing concern for many years, the impact of this type of pollution has been felt more directly by the general public during the second half of 2023, as proven by the spike in the number of respiratory cases that have emerged throughout the Jabodetabek area.[2]


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Indonesia has recently had to deal with the critical problem of air pollution within its capital city of Jakarta. Indeed, air pollution is an important issue across the country as a whole given that Indonesia is a significant contributor to the 75% of total global air pollution that is also the responsibility of China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria.[1] While the air pollution issue has been of ongoing concern for many years, the impact of this type of pollution has been felt more directly by the general public during the second half of 2023, as proven by the spike in the number of respiratory cases that have emerged throughout the Jabodetabek area.[2]


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