| Issue Number : Edition 10, Vol.11

Monthly Law Review October 2023

General Corporate

  1. Regulation of the President No. 60 of 2023 on National Business Strategy and Human Rights

Enforcement Date: 26 September 2023


  • Indonesia has introduced a National Strategy on Business and Human Rights (“BHR Strategy”) in a significant step towards the mainstreaming of business and human rights at the national level and the achievement of the country’s Sustainable Development Goals. This strategy aims to promote and protect human rights in relation to business practices.
  • The BHR Strategy is built on the United Nations (“UN”) Guiding Principles, which emphasize state responsibility in terms of the prevention of human rights violations being committed by businesses within their jurisdictions and the promotion of business responsibility aimed at respect and the mitigation of such violations. Furthermore, the BHR Strategy has been developed through sectoral baseline research, synergy with other existing state strategies, stpakeholder consultations and adherence to UN principles.
  • Key areas of focus include enhancing the understanding of business and human rights issues, harmonizing regulations, providing business guidelines, improving access to information and the strengthening of reparation mechanisms. The strategy will be executed through a three-year program which has been called Business and Human Rights Action (“BHR Action”) and which will be monitored by the Business and Human Rights Task Force at both the national and provincial levels. This initiative became effective on 26 September 2023 and aims to promote human rights across the business sector and foster sustainable development within Indonesia.
  • For more information, see ILB No. 4731.

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Hukumonline Pro

Berlangganan sekarang untuk akses tak terbatas ke berbagai Analisis Hukum!

Tingkatkan kualitas penelitian hukum Anda dengan berlangganan Paket Professional Hukumonline Pro dan dapatkan lebih banyak analisis hukum untuk referensi yang komprehensif


Rp 4.500.000

per bulan

  • My Workspace
  • Regulation Roundup
  • Pusat Data Peraturan
  • Pusat Data Putusan Pengadilan Non-Precedent
  • Peraturan Konsolidasi
  • Daftar Peraturan Terbaru
  • Terjemahan Peraturan
  • Daily Update
  • Analisis Hukum (Harian, Mingguan, Bulanan)
  • Premium Stories
  • Bantuan Pencarian


Rp 7.500.000

per bulan

  • Semua Layanan di Paket Professional
  • Legal Intelligence Update
  • Virtual Discussion - Practice Leaders*
  • Virtual Discussion - Analisis*
  • Layanan Penerjemahan*
  • Pudat Data Putusan Pengadilan Precedent
  • Gratis mengikuti Webinar Hukumonline*


Hubungi kami sekarang untuk penawaran terbaik

  • Semua Layanan di Paket Pro Plus
  • Regulatory Compliance System (Tidak Termasuk Server)*
  • Excellent Document Management (Tidak Termasuk Server)
  • Perizinan dan Pengurusan Legalitas Perusahaan*
  • In-House Training*
  • Legal Opinion dan Dokumen Review

*Terms and Conditions Apply

General Corporate

  1. Regulation of the President No. 60 of 2023 on National Business Strategy and Human Rights

Enforcement Date: 26 September 2023


  • Indonesia has introduced a National Strategy on Business and Human Rights (“BHR Strategy”) in a significant step towards the mainstreaming of business and human rights at the national level and the achievement of the country’s Sustainable Development Goals. This strategy aims to promote and protect human rights in relation to business practices.
  • The BHR Strategy is built on the United Nations (“UN”) Guiding Principles, which emphasize state responsibility in terms of the prevention of human rights violations being committed by businesses within their jurisdictions and the promotion of business responsibility aimed at respect and the mitigation of such violations. Furthermore, the BHR Strategy has been developed through sectoral baseline research, synergy with other existing state strategies, stpakeholder consultations and adherence to UN principles.
  • Key areas of focus include enhancing the understanding of business and human rights issues, harmonizing regulations, providing business guidelines, improving access to information and the strengthening of reparation mechanisms. The strategy will be executed through a three-year program which has been called Business and Human Rights Action (“BHR Action”) and which will be monitored by the Business and Human Rights Task Force at both the national and provincial levels. This initiative became effective on 26 September 2023 and aims to promote human rights across the business sector and foster sustainable development within Indonesia.
  • For more information, see ILB No. 4731.

Sudah memiliki akun? Masuk

Hukumonline Pro

Berlangganan sekarang untuk akses tak terbatas ke berbagai Analisis Hukum!

Tingkatkan kualitas penelitian hukum Anda dengan berlangganan Paket Professional Hukumonline Pro dan dapatkan lebih banyak analisis hukum untuk referensi yang komprehensif


Rp 4.500.000

per bulan

  • My Workspace
  • Regulation Roundup
  • Pusat Data Peraturan
  • Pusat Data Putusan Pengadilan Non-Precedent
  • Peraturan Konsolidasi
  • Daftar Peraturan Terbaru
  • Terjemahan Peraturan
  • Daily Update
  • Analisis Hukum (Harian, Mingguan, Bulanan)
  • Premium Stories
  • Bantuan Pencarian


Rp 7.500.000

per bulan

  • Semua Layanan di Paket Professional
  • Legal Intelligence Update
  • Virtual Discussion - Practice Leaders*
  • Virtual Discussion - Analisis*
  • Layanan Penerjemahan*
  • Pudat Data Putusan Pengadilan Precedent
  • Gratis mengikuti Webinar Hukumonline*


Hubungi kami sekarang untuk penawaran terbaik

  • Semua Layanan di Paket Pro Plus
  • Regulatory Compliance System (Tidak Termasuk Server)*
  • Excellent Document Management (Tidak Termasuk Server)
  • Perizinan dan Pengurusan Legalitas Perusahaan*
  • In-House Training*
  • Legal Opinion dan Dokumen Review

*Terms and Conditions Apply