Revisions to Biodiesel Market-Index Price for Certain Types of Biofuel and Distribution Logistics Introduced

  • The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has issued Decree No. 153.K/EK.05/DJE/2024 on the Amendment to Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 3.K/EK.05/DJE/2024 on the Market Index Price for Biofuel in the Form of Biodiesel Mixed with Solar Fuel, which has been in force since 4 September 2024.
  • The Decree revises various supply and delivery points, as well as various transport modes for biodiesel distribution in order to accommodate a number of logistical changes.
  • The Decree specifies various revised delivery and transportation costs for biodiesel fuel, which are comprehensively broken down under the Appendices to the Decree. These adjustments aim to ensure smoother distribution and improved cost efficiency across various regions in Indonesia. In addition, any biodiesel businesses that already delivered biodiesel fuel prior to the issuance of this Decree will now be required to comply with the various updated cost structures that are outlined under the new Appendices.
  • The updated transport fees, supply points and delivery points, including the maximum allowable transport costs for biodiesel, are comprehensively set out under the Appendices to the Decree.

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  • The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has issued Decree No. 153.K/EK.05/DJE/2024 on the Amendment to Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 3.K/EK.05/DJE/2024 on the Market Index Price for Biofuel in the Form of Biodiesel Mixed with Solar Fuel, which has been in force since 4 September 2024.
  • The Decree revises various supply and delivery points, as well as various transport modes for biodiesel distribution in order to accommodate a number of logistical changes.
  • The Decree specifies various revised delivery and transportation costs for biodiesel fuel, which are comprehensively broken down under the Appendices to the Decree. These adjustments aim to ensure smoother distribution and improved cost efficiency across various regions in Indonesia. In addition, any biodiesel businesses that already delivered biodiesel fuel prior to the issuance of this Decree will now be required to comply with the various updated cost structures that are outlined under the new Appendices.
  • The updated transport fees, supply points and delivery points, including the maximum allowable transport costs for biodiesel, are comprehensively set out under the Appendices to the Decree.

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