Bank Indonesias Forex Operations Enhanced Through Regulation No. 8 of 2024

  • Bank Indonesia ("BI") has issued Regulation No. 8 of 2024 on the Sixth Amendment to Regulation of the BI Board of Governors No. 20/15/PADG/2018 on the Implementation of Instant Fund Settlements Through the Bank Indonesia–Real Time Gross Settlement System ("Regulation 8/2024"), which focuses on enhancing the framework for BI’s foreign exchange (forex) operations that are crucial for stabilizing the rupiah and maintaining the overall stability of the financial market .
  • Regulation 8/2024 introduces several key updates aimed at enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of Bank Indonesia’s foreign exchange (forex) market operations. Firstly, it allows BI to engage in direct forex transactions with authorized parties, thereby facilitating more efficient market interventions. Additionally, BI is now authorized to utilize a broader range of derivative instruments, such as options and swaps, which are intended to improve the management of forex reserves and mitigate associated market risks. To ensure that forex market activities are in line with BI’s monetary policy objectives, the new Regulation also establishes enhanced monitoring mechanisms, which will allow for more timely interventions when necessary.
  • Furthermore, financial institutions involved in forex transactions are now subject to stricter reporting requirements, which will increase transparency and hopefully provide BI with improved insights into market conditions.
  • Regulation 8/2024 has been in force since 7 August 2024.

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  • Bank Indonesia ("BI") has issued Regulation No. 8 of 2024 on the Sixth Amendment to Regulation of the BI Board of Governors No. 20/15/PADG/2018 on the Implementation of Instant Fund Settlements Through the Bank Indonesia–Real Time Gross Settlement System ("Regulation 8/2024"), which focuses on enhancing the framework for BI’s foreign exchange (forex) operations that are crucial for stabilizing the rupiah and maintaining the overall stability of the financial market .
  • Regulation 8/2024 introduces several key updates aimed at enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of Bank Indonesia’s foreign exchange (forex) market operations. Firstly, it allows BI to engage in direct forex transactions with authorized parties, thereby facilitating more efficient market interventions. Additionally, BI is now authorized to utilize a broader range of derivative instruments, such as options and swaps, which are intended to improve the management of forex reserves and mitigate associated market risks. To ensure that forex market activities are in line with BI’s monetary policy objectives, the new Regulation also establishes enhanced monitoring mechanisms, which will allow for more timely interventions when necessary.
  • Furthermore, financial institutions involved in forex transactions are now subject to stricter reporting requirements, which will increase transparency and hopefully provide BI with improved insights into market conditions.
  • Regulation 8/2024 has been in force since 7 August 2024.

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