The One Map Policy Shall Support Issuance of License and Area Development

  • The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency ("Ministry") suggest that development of One Map Policy (Kebijakan Satu Peta - "KSP") shall become the main reference for the government, both central and regional, to issue license, as well as conducting development and planning.
  • Currently, the hurdles of KSP includes: 1) land certification which often constrained by the boundary of protected forest and rice fields; and 2) preparation of the available spatial planning as well as the management of forest area and mineral.
  • To alleviate the abovementioned hurdles, Virgo Eresta Jaya as the Director General of Land and Spatial Surveying and Mapping at the Ministry stressed the collaboration from each stakeholder such as putting up boundary signs while the Minister work on updating the map for KSP.  
  • Until July 2024, the KSP has collected 151 Thematic Maps from 23 Ministries/Institutions in 38 provinces. The KSP has also succeeded to boost efficiency and preventing overlapping spatial by reducing the area of ​​spatial use discrepancies by 19.97 million hectares. The launch of the KSP Geoportal 2.0 marks the opening of access to information for the public. ANT

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  • The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency ("Ministry") suggest that development of One Map Policy (Kebijakan Satu Peta - "KSP") shall become the main reference for the government, both central and regional, to issue license, as well as conducting development and planning.
  • Currently, the hurdles of KSP includes: 1) land certification which often constrained by the boundary of protected forest and rice fields; and 2) preparation of the available spatial planning as well as the management of forest area and mineral.
  • To alleviate the abovementioned hurdles, Virgo Eresta Jaya as the Director General of Land and Spatial Surveying and Mapping at the Ministry stressed the collaboration from each stakeholder such as putting up boundary signs while the Minister work on updating the map for KSP.  
  • Until July 2024, the KSP has collected 151 Thematic Maps from 23 Ministries/Institutions in 38 provinces. The KSP has also succeeded to boost efficiency and preventing overlapping spatial by reducing the area of ​​spatial use discrepancies by 19.97 million hectares. The launch of the KSP Geoportal 2.0 marks the opening of access to information for the public. ANT

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