| Issue Number : 879

Clearing the Decks: The Ultimate Guide to the Importation of Goods via Sea Freight


As one of the world’s largest archipelagic countries with 17,000 islands and 108,000 kilometers of coastline, Indonesia is heavily reliant on sea freight for its import activities.[1] Data provided by the Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS) reveals that during 2021 alone, around 88.05% of Indonesia’s imported goods arrived by sea and had a total combined value of US$172,73 billion.[2]

In addition to the country’s long coastlines and favorable geography, sea freight is also a preferred mode of transportation due to the fact that it offers the most cost-effective method available for shipping large quantities of goods over long distances. In addition, sea freight can handle a wide variety of goods, including bulky, heavy and hazardous items that may be impractical or too expensive to transport via the use of other methods.[3]......

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As one of the world’s largest archipelagic countries with 17,000 islands and 108,000 kilometers of coastline, Indonesia is heavily reliant on sea freight for its import activities.[1] Data provided by the Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS) reveals that during 2021 alone, around 88.05% of Indonesia’s imported goods arrived by sea and had a total combined value of US$172,73 billion.[2]

In addition to the country’s long coastlines and favorable geography, sea freight is also a preferred mode of transportation due to the fact that it offers the most cost-effective method available for shipping large quantities of goods over long distances. In addition, sea freight can handle a wide variety of goods, including bulky, heavy and hazardous items that may be impractical or too expensive to transport via the use of other methods.[3]......

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