Mandatory Reporting of Job Vacancies Elicits Variety of Responses

  • Regulation of the President No. 57 of 2023 on the Mandatory Reporting of Job Vacancies ("Regulation 57/2023") sets out an Indonesian Government initiative that specifically aims to address unemployment by requiring employers to report their job vacancies. However, despite the government’s well-intentioned goals, a number of different parties have expressed various criticisms, suggestions and improvements that they believe could be made to the overall framework of Regulation 57/2023. One such party is Hukumonline’s Christina Desy, who has observed that Regulation 57/2023 may lack flexibility in terms of its ability to address variations in the types of hiring schemes that are organized by different companies, particularly in relation to closed job vacancies such as executive positions.
  • Furthermore, Mrs. Desy has also questioned the administrative penalties that are now associated with job vacancy reporting and whether said penalties ultimately affect the rights of employees. Mrs. Desy has also highlighted the need for more specific provisions under Regulation 57/2023 that focus on labor-intensive sectors.
  • Also expressing a view, Nabiyla Risfa Izzati, a lecturer in labor law, has stated that Regulation 57/2023 has an important role to play in terms of the creation of a vacancies database that can ultimately be used by the government and as a measure to prevent job discrimination. Mrs. Izzati has also pointed out that the online implementation of Regulation 57/2023 should ultimately prove more efficient than the previous manual reporting mandate. In addition, Mrs. Izzati has suggested that Regulation 57/2023 should also incorporate provisions that specifically address the issue of discrimination.
  • Finally, Timboel Siregar, Coordinator for the Indonesian Workers Organization (OPSI), has expressed support for the positive goals of Regulation 57/2023 and its efforts to ensure a better match between labor supply and demand, and has also called for the active participation of local governments in terms of the management of job vacancy information.

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  • Regulation of the President No. 57 of 2023 on the Mandatory Reporting of Job Vacancies ("Regulation 57/2023") sets out an Indonesian Government initiative that specifically aims to address unemployment by requiring employers to report their job vacancies. However, despite the government’s well-intentioned goals, a number of different parties have expressed various criticisms, suggestions and improvements that they believe could be made to the overall framework of Regulation 57/2023. One such party is Hukumonline’s Christina Desy, who has observed that Regulation 57/2023 may lack flexibility in terms of its ability to address variations in the types of hiring schemes that are organized by different companies, particularly in relation to closed job vacancies such as executive positions.
  • Furthermore, Mrs. Desy has also questioned the administrative penalties that are now associated with job vacancy reporting and whether said penalties ultimately affect the rights of employees. Mrs. Desy has also highlighted the need for more specific provisions under Regulation 57/2023 that focus on labor-intensive sectors.
  • Also expressing a view, Nabiyla Risfa Izzati, a lecturer in labor law, has stated that Regulation 57/2023 has an important role to play in terms of the creation of a vacancies database that can ultimately be used by the government and as a measure to prevent job discrimination. Mrs. Izzati has also pointed out that the online implementation of Regulation 57/2023 should ultimately prove more efficient than the previous manual reporting mandate. In addition, Mrs. Izzati has suggested that Regulation 57/2023 should also incorporate provisions that specifically address the issue of discrimination.
  • Finally, Timboel Siregar, Coordinator for the Indonesian Workers Organization (OPSI), has expressed support for the positive goals of Regulation 57/2023 and its efforts to ensure a better match between labor supply and demand, and has also called for the active participation of local governments in terms of the management of job vacancy information.

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