Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 6/PMK.03/2021 on the Calculation and Collection of Value-Added Tax and Income-Tax on Deliveries/Incomes Related to the Sale of Credits, Starter Packs, Tokens and Vouchers

  • Value-added tax (pajak pertambahan nilai – “PPN”) will be imposed upon deliveries of the following taxable goods: 1) Credits and starter packs (which may take the form of both physical and electronic vouchers), by telecommunications service providers and distribution operators; and 2) Tokens by electricity providers, exemptions for which will apply based on provisions set out under the relevant laws and regulations that apply within the taxation sector.
  • Article-22 Income Tax (Pajak Penghasilan – “PPh”) will be imposed upon sales of credits and starter packs completed by second-level distribution operators that are Article 22-PPh collectors. The amount to be collected has been set at 0.5% of the price that next-level distribution operators are charged by second-level distribution operators or of the relevant sales prices for sales that are made directly to telecommunications customers.
  • The imposition of the above taxes may exempt certain payments that are made by next-level distribution operators or telecommunications customers that meet the following criteria: 1) Payments below a maximum payment threshold of IDR 2 million (excluding PPN) and that are not separate payments from other payments which amount to more than IDR 2 million; 2) The relevant payers are taxpayers that take the form of banks; or 3) The relevant payers have secured and delivered a PPh statement letter.
  • PPN or Article-23 PPh will be imposed upon income that is generated through the following taxable services: 1) The organization of payment services relating to the distribution of tokens by distributors; 2) The marketing of vouchers by voucher operators; 3) The organization of payment services relating to the distribution of vouchers by voucher operators and distributors; or 4) The organization of consumer loyalty/reward programs by voucher operators.
  • The collected amount of Article-23 PPh is set at 2% of gross amounts (excluding PPN) that are received or obtained by distributors and/or voucher operators.
  • The Article-23 PPh outlined above does not have to be collected if: 1) Income is paid by or payable to banks; and/or 2) Income is subject to final PPh.
  • This regulation has been in force since 1 February 2021 and can be accessed here.

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  • Value-added tax (pajak pertambahan nilai – “PPN”) will be imposed upon deliveries of the following taxable goods: 1) Credits and starter packs (which may take the form of both physical and electronic vouchers), by telecommunications service providers and distribution operators; and 2) Tokens by electricity providers, exemptions for which will apply based on provisions set out under the relevant laws and regulations that apply within the taxation sector.
  • Article-22 Income Tax (Pajak Penghasilan – “PPh”) will be imposed upon sales of credits and starter packs completed by second-level distribution operators that are Article 22-PPh collectors. The amount to be collected has been set at 0.5% of the price that next-level distribution operators are charged by second-level distribution operators or of the relevant sales prices for sales that are made directly to telecommunications customers.
  • The imposition of the above taxes may exempt certain payments that are made by next-level distribution operators or telecommunications customers that meet the following criteria: 1) Payments below a maximum payment threshold of IDR 2 million (excluding PPN) and that are not separate payments from other payments which amount to more than IDR 2 million; 2) The relevant payers are taxpayers that take the form of banks; or 3) The relevant payers have secured and delivered a PPh statement letter.
  • PPN or Article-23 PPh will be imposed upon income that is generated through the following taxable services: 1) The organization of payment services relating to the distribution of tokens by distributors; 2) The marketing of vouchers by voucher operators; 3) The organization of payment services relating to the distribution of vouchers by voucher operators and distributors; or 4) The organization of consumer loyalty/reward programs by voucher operators.
  • The collected amount of Article-23 PPh is set at 2% of gross amounts (excluding PPN) that are received or obtained by distributors and/or voucher operators.
  • The Article-23 PPh outlined above does not have to be collected if: 1) Income is paid by or payable to banks; and/or 2) Income is subject to final PPh.
  • This regulation has been in force since 1 February 2021 and can be accessed here.

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