Divestment in the Mining Industry - Are We Ready ?

It is questionable whether the Government is ready and will be consistent in traversing the difficult economic road ahead.

A Trudge Through Indonesia?s Jungle of Law

Then I ran into the law myself, and not just any law, but Indonesian law, a ?dark and tangled jungle of law,? perhaps one of the world?s most complex, incomplete, and chaotic systems of law.

Churchill Arbitration: A New Battle?

The government must lead the battle and for that our hopes are high with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Amir Syamsuddin, who is a former practicing lawyer and a renowned litigator.

Independent Report on Implementation of UNCAC in Indonesia

Report urges the government to stop meddling with the KPK and instead promote transparency in finances of political parties.

Badan Intelijen Nasional

SBY Administration advocates more power and less oversight for the Indonesian Intelligence Agency

Criminalizing Trivialities

iPad case highlights injustices in the criminal system caused by rival government agencies seeking prestige

Rethinking the Criminal Justice System In Indonesia

In the Indonesian criminal saga , a mother of two who sends her friends an email complaining about her treatment at a local hospital can be found guilty of libel and face a prison time

?An Eye for an Eye?" - the Tragic Execution Of Ruyati and a Way Forward for Indonesia

The brutal and unnecessary execution of Ruyati brings into stark focus the terrible implications and consequences of the use of the death penalty.

Challenging the Legitimacy of Suharto Era Government Debt

It is estimated that $10 billion of World Bank?s $30 billion loans were misappropriated with the Bank?s knowledge.